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The top 5 regions to go on holiday in Italy

If you are following our trip through the Italian beauty you cannot lose the third part of it discovering the top 5 regions to go on holiday in Italy. Few tips for foreigners that can help you to chose your next holiday in a historic country. We have already said about Italian wonderful cities such as Rome, Florence and Venice and regions which plan to go to live in. But for a simple holiday there are two places that most of all have been hidden – we are talking about Sicily and Sardinia. So stay tuned to discover our tips.

5 place – Lombardia Even if Milan is one of the most known city all over the world thanks to its glamour and fashion fama and an entry point for tourists because of its airport too, it's often overlooked as a destination of its own. Lombardia – and Milan too - has one of the highest concentrations of artistic and architectural attractions in all Italy, and for those interested in design and fashion it's a must. But Lombardia it’s not Milan. You can take a look at probably the most beautiful Italian villas around Lake Como. Como has been the favorite summer retreat of the rich and famous since ancient Romans fled Milan's summer heat to cool off in villas along its steep shores. Not so much different is Lake Garda on the border between Lombardia, Veneto and Trentino Alto Adige. The must visit place list include Mantova, the only city, intended as a widespread urban museum, present on the Google Arts & Culture platform with more than 1,000 digitized works, 40 virtual exhibitions set up in 8 different virtual museums.

4 place – Piemonte If you are planning a weekend made of history, good food and perfect taste with one of the well known Italian regions for wine, a must visit place is definitely Piemonte and the city of Turin. The first capital of the Kingdom of Italy blends around it different architectural styles also dictated by the dominations that have taken control of the city.

The Savoy was the last one, whose elegant and unmistakable style makes Turin a unique city for the class of its arcades and the refinement of its architecture. The Mole Antonelliana is the symbol recognized in the world for the city of Turin but not the only one place to visit in. Thanks to its position, Piemonte is the perfect place to make a great Italian wine such as Tuscany, Marche and Sicilian too. The production area includes the entire wine-growing territory of numerous municipalities in the provinces of Alessandria, Asti, Biella, Cuneo, Novara, Turin, Verbano-Cusio-Ossola and Vercelli. A real explosion of flavors to visit especially in autumn. 3 place – Sardinia

It is located in the western Mediterranean and its territory coincides with the Sardinian archipelago, consisting almost entirely of the island of Sardinia and a considerable number of small islands and surrounding archipelagos.Its strategic position and its wealth of minerals have favored in antiquity its population and the development of commercial traffic and cultural exchanges between its inhabitants and the coastal peoples.

This enigmatic Mediterranean island seems worlds apart from Italy. Best known for its glamorous Costa Smeralda that during the summer became the jet-set paradise luxury enclaves, Sardinia has a lot more to offer to the adventurous tourist, or even the sun-loving beach seeker. The pride of the Sardinian people has its roots in a landscape that still houses the vestiges of the Nuragic civilization.


2 place – Campania Campania is not Naples at all. Even if we can find here history, arts, magnificent food and the house of Italian comedy, Naples is a boisterous place with narrow streets filled with color, noise, and life. In its treasure-filled churches, its magnificent palaces lavished in the riches of European royalty, and its premier archaeological museum displaying the finds from nearby Pompeii – there are the origins of the Italian culture at all.

After the Mount Vesuvius violent eruption, Campania has been repainted on the map. Here you can discover the famous Atlantis under six meters of ash and pumice-stone: Pompeii. The city remained frozen in time until excavations that began in the 18th century uncovered more than half of its buildings and public spaces. Such as in Herculaneum where lava and not ash covered it giving the chance to preserve an entire architecture. Remember to not forget Reggia di Caserta. Belonged to the Bourbons of the two Sicily, the palace was built between the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. And if you visit Campania during the summertime take a look at Ischia, Procida and mostly to the glamorous Capri in whose alleys you can meet the most famous actors of the international scene.


1 place – Sicily

Thanks to its history made of dominations by Arabs, Byzantine, Greeks and Romans and lead by an ancient multiculturalism, Sicily is the perfect place to visit during your holidays in italy. Must know that the island of Sicily, the biggest of the Mediterranean, has earned seven places on the UNESCO World Heritage Site list, three for its ancient sites, two for natural wonders, and two for architectural treasures.

Some of the finest remaining examples of ancient structures are in Sicily: at Selinunte is one of the largest Greek temples; in Agrigento, at the Valley of Temples, is one of the three most perfect Greek temples anywhere; and the 3,500 square meters of mosaics at Villa Romana del Casale in Enna decorate one of the best-preserved villas in the entire Roman Empire. And we have not yet told what you can find out in Syracuse, Palermo, Catania, Messina, Ragusa and Trapani. Syracuse was a polis of primary importance, and was counted among the largest metropolises of the ancient world, giving birth to the likes of Epicarmus, Archimedes and many others hosting influential names such as Aeschylus and Plato. Palermo show a pure Sicilian style made of elegance and contradictions. Catania, on the slopes of Mount Etna, has one of the busiest airport in Italy. Messina is known all over the world for the bridge that does not exist over the Stretto di Messina – thanksfully for the landscape – and its province made of Taormina and Eolie island. Ragusa is the ome of Baroque art and historic eighteenth-century buildings. Trapani with Erice and the sunset from the Saline of Marsala and their pink water is a unique view.

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